Contraditions are interesting me at present.
I listened to a lady confidently asserting all the contradictions in someone elses behaviour and serendipitously, she was describing someone like me. What she was describing as contradictory behaviour made perfect sense to me and it reminded me that everything we do is functional at some level and we as observers just having spent time enough sense making.
On our project, Ryan's given me the "three data points do not necessarily make a cow" or they might - you just never know which is the point - it's all hypothesis at some level.
Then I had a conversation with myself about how that hoary old chestnut the collective consciousness which I've been circled like a vulture for a while now might offer some intersection points for some of these seeming contradictions ... it will provide the insight so we can see the relationships within our own and others thinking and behaviour and our in relationship to others and what we might all have in common.
... and then my large skinny flat white with two sweeteners arrived and off I trotted as happy as can be.
So I've just found my way to Google to renew my conversation and found these two quotes which made me tingle ... in a good way.
Firstly Ayn Rand ...
Contractions do not exist. Whenever you think you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find one of them is wrong.
Then here's Franz Clemens Brentano ...
An unconscious consciousness is no more a contradiction than an unseen case of seeing.
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